If you agree, then please link to me using these details:
Title: Floor Saw URL: http://www.priorityplant.com/ Description: A wide range of quality floor / road saws available from Priority Plant.
Please don't forget to send me the title of your website after you place my link so I can do the same for you in less than 24 hours, otherwise you can delete my link from your site.
I'll be waiitng for your kind reply
Isabel Thomas isabel.thomas@aganelektronik.com Online Marketing Consultant
I've visited your website and I was wondering
if it would be possible to get a link to my partner's website on it?
I'll place a HOME PAGE link back from 3 of my industrial Supply
websites exactly here:
http://www.aganelektronik.com/ page rank 2
http://www.angusandannie.com/ page rank 1
http://www.pstbic.com/ page rank 1
If you agree, then please link to me using these details:
Title: Floor Saw
URL: http://www.priorityplant.com/
Description: A wide range of quality floor / road saws available from
Priority Plant.
Please don't forget to send me the title of your website after you
place my link so I can do the same for you in less than 24 hours,
otherwise you can delete my link from your site.
I'll be waiitng for your kind reply
Isabel Thomas
Online Marketing Consultant